It's very rare that someone comes to me with a clear idea as to what type of marketing help they need. I always get the ole "we aren't sure what we need, but we want marketing help". Oftentimes they think they need growth marketing when they actually need to start with the basics! So.. what should you have in place before investing in growth marketing?
Growth marketing is not a band-aid for a poorly run business.
A Solid Brand
There is no point in pushing traffic or trying to bring awareness to a disjointed brand and a janky website. You should have beautifully designed brand that informs your visual appearance and tone of voice across all channels. Prospects and existing customers should be able to pick your branding out of a line up. This helps you stay memorable and allows you to stick out against all of the content we consume on a daily basis. On average consumers have to see something 14 times to convert. A consistent brand ensures they recognize you!
A Well Built Website
I'll die on this hill y'all. We can get you all of the traffic in the world, but where we send these prospects and what their experience is like on your website is make or break. Don't embarrass yourself!
If your competitor's website looks better than yours it doesn't matter if you offer a better product or solution. It's 2024 - everyone is expecting something sleek and easy to navigate that does a great job of explaining what your company offers. Optimizing your website's user experience (UX) and for search engines is the most cost effective way to get and convert traffic without dumping tons of money into digital ads.
A Well Oiled Machine
This one is going to sound absolutely insane and so obvious, but you have to have a well run business before investing in growth marketing. This means you're clear on your product or service and you’re delivering it well. What does this look like? You have customers (crazy), your churn is low, and bonus points if referrals are coming in! Growth marketing is not a band-aid for a poorly run business.
Even if you increase traffic through growth marketing, you then have to deliver! This means you have to be ready with your sales process, onboarding, and delivering your product or service. Your most valuable marketing material is the social proof you get from happy customers.
Do you have a question about your marketing? Book some time on my calendar!